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Christian's Core Issues

Step into the mind of Christian through her Topic Areas page. Here, you'll gain a unique window into her passions, values, and concerns. Explore a curated collection of thought-provoking insights and personal reflections on the issues that drive Christian to make a difference in today's complex world.

Restorative Justice

Embracing the philosophy of restorative justice, Christian believes in healing over punishment and growth over retribution. She is committed to creating a more compassionate and equitable society by fostering understanding, reconciliation, and meaningful transformation through restorative approaches. 


Intersectional Feminism

Grounded in a commitment to intersectional feminism, Christian recognizes the interconnected nature of social inequalities and strives for a more inclusive world. She advocates for a feminism that addresses the unique challenges faced by individuals at the crossroads of various identities, working towards a society where empowerment and rights extend to every corner of diversity.

Economic Justice

Driven by a deep commitment to economic justice, Christian envisions a world where disparities in wealth and opportunity are addressed and rectified. Her advocacy is grounded in the belief that a fair and equitable economic system benefits not only individuals but society as a whole, fostering prosperity, stability, and greater well-being for everyone.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Justice (DEIJ)

Driven by an unwavering belief in racial justice, Christian is dedicated to dismantling systemic inequalities and fostering inclusivity. Her advocacy stems from the recognition that a just society can only flourish when all individuals are treated with dignity, respect, and equitable opportunities, regardless of their background.

Mental Health Advocacy

Passionate about mental health advocacy, Christian recognizes the vital importance of raising awareness and reducing stigma surrounding mental well-being. Her belief in destigmatizing conversations around mental health and promoting accessible resources stems from a deep understanding that emotional and psychological wellness is fundamental to leading a fulfilling and productive life.

Policy Reform

Firmly believing in policy reformation, Christian advocates for a society where rights and protections are genuinely accessible to every individual, irrespective of their background. Her conviction stems from the understanding that implementing equitable policies is not just a legal imperative, but a moral obligation that ensures justice and fairness for all members of the community.

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